You can easily place an order from Namashkar Noida through Swiggy as well as the Zomato apps.

Namashkar Noida is located on the ground floor of the Suvardhnam building, near sector 76 Metro station, Noida – 201304.

Yes, Namaskar Noida is a purely veg restaurant. We are strict vegetarians and we refrain from consuming meat and eggs. your postcode and select a nearby restaurant of choice e.g McDonalds, KFC, …Wagamama e.t.c for delivery. Within each of these restaurants you will find their menus which you can add to basket, choose your payment method (PayPal or Credit / Debit Card) and submit. There you go, your order is sent to the selected restaurant or the nearby delivery driver where applicable.

Namashkar Noida operates 7 days a week from Monday to Sunday – 8 am to 12 pm. We are open to receiving your food delivery orders during these hours only. We are also open to an amazing cosy dine-in experience at our restaurant in Noida.

Yes, Namaskar Noida has partnered with both the Swiggy and Zomato apps. You can now order food from any of these platforms and enjoy our delicious dishes at your comfort.

In case of any suggestions or feedback, you can contact Namashkar Noida’s Customer Care at +91 9811904779 or you can also email us at